Efektivitas Penyaluran Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera Untuk Mengatasi Permasalahan Kemiskinan di Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh Effectiveness of Distribution of Prosperous Family Cards To Overcome Problems of Poverty in Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Efektivitas penyaluran bantuan Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera (KKS). (2) Kendala dalam penerimaan bantuan Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera (KKS) di Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi seluruh penerima Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera di Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh berjumlah 459 orang. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis data persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh tentang efektifitas penyaluran bantuan Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera (KKS) untuk mengatasi permasalahan kemiskinan diperoleh hasil program KKS belum cukup efektif dengan persentase sebesar 72%, bahwa ketidakefektifan penyaluran bantuan KKS belum sepenuhnya dapat mengatasi permasalahan kemiskinan dilihat dari indikator penerima KKS yakni dari sumber MCK, pendidikan, pendapatan, bahan bakar yang digunakan keluarga untuk memasak. Jadi dapat dilihat dari indikator tesebut belum sepenuhnya tepat sasaran. Masih banyak masyarakat yang tidak dalam kategori penerima bantuan, namun malah menerima bantuan Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera (KKS). Sehingga dapat dijelaskan bahwa kartu KKS belum efektif untuk mengatasi permasalahan kemiskinan.
Key Words : Efektivitas, Program Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera, Kemiskinan
This study aims to determine (1) the effectiveness of distribution of Family Welfare Card (KKS) assistance. (2) Constraints in receiving the assistance of the Prosperous Family Card (KKS) in Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh. Type of quantitative descriptive research. The population of all recipients of the Prosperous Family Card in Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh amounted to 459 people. The analysis technique uses percentage data analysis. The results showed that in the Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh about the effectiveness of the distribution of the Family Welfare Card (KKS) to overcome poverty problems the results of the KKS program were not yet effective with a percentage of 72%, that the ineffectiveness of KKS assistance distribution had not fully overcome the poverty problems seen from the indicators KKS recipients namely from the sources of MCK, education, income, fuel used by families to cook. So it can be seen from these indicators that they are not yet right on target. There are still many people who are not in the category of beneficiaries, but instead receive assistance from the Prosperous Family Card (KKS). So that it can be explained that the KKS card has not been effective in overcoming the problem of poverty.
Key words : Effectiveness, Family Welfare Card Program, Poverty
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