Analisis Sebaran Spasial Tempat Pemakaman Umum Kota Jambi Analisis Sebaran Spasial Tempat Pemakaman Umum Kota Jambi


Januarman Januarman ahyuni ahyuni Endah Purwaningsih



This study aims to analyze spatial distribution of public cemetery (TPU) in Jambi City based on distribution pattern, capacity to requirement, and service coverage of Public Cemetery in Jambi City in 2017. The research method used is field survey by mapping the location of public graveyard, distribution patterns using Nearest Neighbour Analys, and counting TPU capacity and mapping the range of services. The results showed that the pattern of TPU distribution in Jambi City grouped following the pattern of community settlements that also influenced the morphological condition of Jambi City. Based on calculation of capacity with the number of needs of the grave at this time as many as 11,752 tombs and the availability of land as much as 302,634 tombs, so that the capacity of TPU in the city of Jambi currently as a whole is still able to meet the needs. Result of analysis of service range of TPU in Jambi City based on buffer zone” result as far as 2 Km from TPU location shows that all TPU in Jambi City its service reach all community settlement.

Keywords: Public Cemetery
, Distribution Pattern, Capacity, and Reach of Service.






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